Hello, I’m Onie. I am Co-Director of KnotStressed Therapies in Edinburgh, where I have been working with pregnant women, partners and families for the past 15 years. During this time, I have supported many families in birth preparation, hypnobirthing and active birth courses. I have also worked for several years as a doula, supporting women and partners in hospital, at home and in the Edinburgh birth centre. I am a massage therapist and massage trainer. I specialise in Pregnancy, Birth and Postnatal Massage and offer FEDANT-accredited training courses for therapists and midwives.

About 5 years ago in Edinburgh, my midwife colleague and friend, Jenny Patterson, and I created Relax & Breathe Birthing. We felt there was a need for a bespoke birth preparation and hypnobirthing course that included not only deep relaxation techniques and guided visualisations but also massage, acupressure, birth advocacy, movements and positions for birth, deepening techniques, discussions around control and preparing for all birthing scenarios, birth related film clips, breathing exercises, the science and physiology of birth and the latest guidance.

Since then, I have shared our Relax & Breathe Birthing approach with hundreds of families through our Edinburgh-based workshops and courses. The feedback has been so lovely and it truly has been a complete honour and joy to be able to help positively transform the birthing experiences of women.

Relax & Breathe Birthing is so much more than a hypnobirthing course – it’s a way of building confidence through discussion, practical exercises, guided relaxation, support, and the provision of relevant and up-to-date information.

Our course is modular, so all the hypnobirthing and deep relaxation techniques can be entirely tailored to the people involved. Everyone is different and what works for one person may not be the best fit for another.

Relax & Breathe Birthing is relevant for ALL births – C-births, forceps or ventouse births, vaginal births, birth in the home, the hospital or the birth centre. With these calm, grounding, individually tailored techniques it is entirely possible to help women transform what might have been an unnerving and daunting birth experience into something they look back on with pride and positivity.

Through Relax & Breathe Birthing we give women and couples the tools to feel empowered and take ownership over their birth experience, and to approach the birth of their baby with calm positivity and excitement.

I absolutely love sharing Relax & Breathe Birthing with women and partners in Edinburgh and I am so excited to now be able to share these skills more widely. Our network of Relax & Breathe Birthing Instructors is growing and we would love to welcome you to join us.

Thank you so much for your time. I hope you are interested in Relax & Breathe Birthing. Please do get in touch if I can help you with anything. I would love to meet you too!

ONIE TIBBITT, RELax & Breathe Birthing trainer